Monday, March 9, 2009

Fun with Daddy!

Caroline sure does love her Daddy! In the mornings, she always calls for me and the first thing she asks when I walk in her room is, "Where's Daddy?" I always respond, "He's at work today. But he'll be right back!" Then we have a morning hug and go on with our day! I think that's so funny! Anyway, so this is a post about some recent adventures with Caroline and her Daddy.

First, a Daddy date to Sprout Studio...

Making a cake with Daddy at home...

Daddy and Caroline's 'dates' often end up at Walmart to get a few things we need around the house! Here Caroline works on her strength training...

Also, Daddy dates sometimes include special treats that Mommy wouldn't always approve of! :) Here Caroline samples some Cinnabon at the mall.

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